According to a recently released report by Good Jobs First, “for Colorado, reducing corporate subsidies can go a long way to salvage the revenue needed to meet its yearly public
This week we got some good news. PERA is more efficient and costs less than other retirement plans! The Colorado State Auditor’s Office released an independent report that examined Colorado
A new study by Pacey Economics found that PERA generates $6.5 Billion in economic output. Over $4.1 billion in benefits is paid out to PERA retirees annually and 87 percent
The Colorado Legislative Audit Committee released the 5th consecutive clean audit on PERA. The Auditors did not find and material weaknesses or significant deficiencies in PERA’s reporting or controls. The
A recent report by the Thomas B. Fordham Institute looked at pension plans across the country and made some critical pronouncements. In the case of Colorado, however, they made a
On April 26, 2011, The Pew Center on the States released a report entitled “The Widening Gap: The Great Recession’s Impact on State Pension and Retiree Health Care Costs”. In